A breathtaking western-style thriller by Michael Cimino
New HD restoration
As his trial for attempted murder begins, inmate Michael Bosworth manages to escape from court and flee, accompanied by his brother Wally and his friend Albert. While they wait for Nancy, Michael's lawyer and mistress who is also an accomplice in his escape, the three men decide to hide in an opulent house belonging to the Cornell family. Then begins a hostage situation between the trio on the run and the four members of this family...
For his sixth feature film, Michael Cimino ( La Porte du paradis ) is directing the remake of a great thriller by William Wyler ( Ben-Hur ). Desperate Hours (La Maison des otages) alternates sequences behind closed doors and spectacular shots of the hunt in the vast spaces of the American West. Between Mickey Rourke and Anthony Hopkins is a physical and psychological duel worthy of the greatest westerns. With Desperate Hours (The House of Hostages), Michael Cimino operates a new dive into the heart of America and its quirks, to contemplate for the first time in High Definition!
(1990 – Colors – 105 mins)
new HD restoration
* in HD on the Blu-ray version
Released March 9, 2016