#6 Pink Movies

"A Brief History of Japanese Erotic Cinema
in five films"by Dimitri Ianni

An inflatable doll in the desert
Two women in the hell of vice
Song for the Hell of a Woman
prayer of ecstasy
A lost family

Book offered with the box

Appeared in Japan during the first half of the 1960s at the onset of the crisis of the major studio system, pinku eiga ( pink film), low-budget erotic cinema produced and distributed by independent companies, constitutes one of the genres masterpieces of post-war Japanese cinema, which he profoundly transformed.
On the occasion of the release in France of five unpublished classics, shot between the 1960s and 1980s, this book invites you to discover the overflowing richness of this unique space of freedom and experimentation born in the shallows of the industry, which allowed its most talented creators to go beyond the constraints of the genre to deliver real works of cinema capable of expressing an aesthetic, theoretical and narrative singularity.
After outlining the context in which pink cinema was formed and its evolution, we will shed light on the fascinating history of Kokuei, the production company for most of the films making up this selection, before exploring each work and delivering some keys to better understand its extreme diversity.
Dimitri Ianni is a critic and programmer, specialist in Japanese cinema. He has collaborated with several magazines including Répliques , Mad Movies , Vertigo , Repérages and CinémAction . He is also responsible for the selection committee of the Kinotayo Contemporary Japanese Film Festival and programming consultant for several festivals.